Pro Plan® Dogumentaries for Petco®
How do you create a Best in Show campaign to help grow customers and build Pro Plan® sales at Petco®? Create a truly engaging omnichannel program featuring a series of webisodes following Westminster hopefuls that lives online, in stores and in the home of dog-loving customers.
An exciting instore meet-and-greet event invited dog lovers to meet the previous year’s winner!
Store End Cap
In-store activations featured these the Dogumentaries stars along with their Pro Plan® formula.
Purina® Great American Pet-Together for Walmart®
When Purina® wanted to unite pet-lovers and bring them to their Walmart® webpage, social outlets and the store’s pet aisle, we created an interactive, incentivized, inspirational program that brought customers back to the landing page – every day. It has been the most successful Purina® program for Walmart® to date!